Tabular model DMVs
When you develop Tabular Models, you can use DMV views to collect detailed information about your models.
Queries are based on a SQL language on very basic level. You cannot use joins, grouping, certain functions.
Here is an example, how you can gather information about a cardinality of every column in the model.
A list and a description of DMVs are on Microsoft Docs.
You can also use DAX Studio, this method is more convenient and you have an access to the whole DMVs list.
By the way, DAX Studio allows you gather a lot information without using DMVs. Like model statistics.
Or you can query views by a Python code. A full example of using DMVs by Python is located in a repository on Github. The app looks for either existing Power BI Desktop models or SQL Server SSAS instances and shows a cardinality and a model size statistics.
Here is an App output.